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Savage Skies - Review

Savage Skies ♦ Kat Ross | Review

A Thrilling Ride Through a Fantastical World – 4 Stars!

A captivating and inventive story, Savage Skies by Kat Ross takes readers to an intriguing world full of magic, intrigue, and adventure. The book has a lot of positive qualities, but a few minor flaws keep me from giving it a perfect rating.

Savage SkiesSavage Skies by Kat Ross
Series: The Fourth Empire #1
Published: 16. August 2023 by Acorn
350 pages
Genre: Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Death, Historical Fiction
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

A wicked wind is blowing…

When someone dies in Aveline, they don’t always stay that way.

Castelio learned this hard lesson when he was a boy.

Now he roams from village to village as a Quietus, banishing restless spirits and keeping the Ducissa Orlaith’s peace—until the day her only son is kidnapped.

Blame falls on the land across the Boundary, where necromancers practice their black arts in eternal darkness.

To get the child back, Castelio recruits the aid of a young stranger named Delilah, along with her peculiar (and possibly demonic) cat Thistle. The pair has a habit of attracting violent thunderstorms, but their wind ship can cross the high mist-cloaked passes of the Boundary.

As the trail leads deeper into the wilds of midnight, Castelio and Delilah discover there are worse things than the risen dead. Yet nothing is quite as it seems in the Moon Courts. Despite the dangers all around, they find allies in unexpected places.

And choosing a side in the brewing war between light and dark magic might be harder than they imagined.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Savage Skies ♦ Kat Ross


Above all else, the entire book showcases Ross‘s talent for narrative. The world-building is fascinating and detailed, providing a rich and realistic experience. It is very amazing how well the author was able to construct a distinct world with its own set of magical and social norms. With their distinct motivations and complexities, the characters are well-developed, and the action-packed plot is sure to keep you interested all the way through.

The tale moves along at a generally good pace, striking a nice mix of tension and character growth. I couldn’t stop turning the pages in anticipation of the next development in Ross‘s excellent job of holding the reader’s interest.

But the reason Savage Skies only received four stars instead of five is that the plot occasionally appeared a little confusing. Though fascinating, the world’s intricacy and the numerous narratives occasionally made it difficult to keep track of everything. It would have been nice to have had a little more clarity in several places.

The characters are interesting, but I thought some of their motives and acts could have been explored more in order to build stronger links between the reader and the characters. I found myself wanting to explore their inner lives even more at times. I guess I have to wait for part two.



To sum it up, Savage Skies is an exciting and inventive piece of fantasy literature that will surely enthrall readers who enjoy the genre. Even with the small issues I pointed out, Kat Ross‘s writing abilities are evident, and the book is an incredibly captivating and engaging read. To everyone looking for an exciting adventure through a fascinating realm, I wholeheartedly suggest it. Offering an entertaining escape into a world of magic, mystery, and adventure, it’s a terrific 4-star read.

I received an advance review copy for free through BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Fourth Empire – The Series

Savage Skies (#1)Rogue & Revenant (#2) (to be published April 2024)

About Kat Ross

Kat Ross

Kat Ross always loved to read more than anything in the world, especially so-called genre stories — mysteries, fantasy, sci-fi, thrillers, horror. She likes books that take you by the hand and lead you out of the mundane. That ease back the curtain and show you the wondrous and dark and unexpected lurking just around the next corner. She worked in journalism for a long time before returning to writing fiction. Guess which is more fun for her?

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Ahoi RoXXie,

als ich das Cover sah, musste ich den Beitrag einfach anklicken… Wie viel Seefahrt hat das Buch denn?

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