Nachdem ich zwei meiner drei geplanten Bücher im Januar gelesen habe und andere nehme ich nur ein Buch in den Februar mit. Silbernes Feuer werde ich so lange durch meinen TBR Monatslisten ziehen, bis ich es gelesen habe. 😁
Doch für den Februar stehen erst einmal drei andere Bücher auf dem Plan, da sie auch Teil meiner BingoKarte vom FrühjahrsputzBingo sind.

- ☑
House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City, #3) ♦ Sarah J. Maas Hardcover - ☑
A Touch of Darknes (Hades x Persophone, #1) ♦ Scarlett St. Clair Paperback - ☑
A Game of Fate (Hades Saga, #1) ♦ Scarlett St. Clair Paperback - ☐ Silbernes Feuer (Das Reich der sieben Höfe, #4) ♦ Sarah J. Maas Hardcover

House of Flame and Shadow
Sarah J. Maas

Series: Crescent City (E) #3
Published: 30. January 2024 by Bloomsbury Publishing
Format: Hardcover, 838 pages/minutes
Genre: Angels, Demons, Fae, High Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Shapeshifters, Suspense, Witches
ISBN-13: 9781635574104
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she’s going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that’s no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust.
Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he’s in the Asteri’s dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce’s fate. He’s desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri’s leash, his hands are quite literally tied.
In this sexy, breathtaking sequel to the #1 bestsellers House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath, Sarah J. Maas’s Crescent City series reaches new heights as Bryce and Hunt’s world is brought to the brink of collapse—with its future resting on their shoulders.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

A Touch of Darkness
Scarlett St. Clair

Series: Hades x Persephone #1
Published: 30. November 2021 by Bloom Books
Format: Paperback, 389 pages/minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Mythology, Retelling, Romance
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
Persephone is the Goddess of Spring by title only. The truth is, since she was a little girl, flowers have shriveled at her touch. After moving to New Athens, she hopes to lead an unassuming life disguised as a mortal journalist.
Hades, God of the Dead, has built a gambling empire in the mortal world and his favorite bets are rumored to be impossible.
After a chance encounter with Hades, Persephone finds herself in a contract with the God of the Dead and the terms are impossible: Persephone must create life in the Underworld or lose her freedom forever.
The bet does more than expose Persephone’s failure as a goddess, however. As she struggles to sow the seeds of her freedom, love for the God of the Dead grows—and it’s forbidden.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

A Game of Fate
Scarlett St. Clair

Series: Hades Saga #1
Published: 12. December 2021 by Bloom Books
Format: Paperback, 402 pages/minutes
Genre: Dark Romance, Fantasy, Greek, Mythology, Retelling
ISBN-13: 9781728261713
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
"Take her, and I will destroy this world. Take her, and I will destroy you. Take her, and I will end us all."
Hades, God of the Underworld, is known for his inflexible rule, luxurious night clubs, and impossible bargains. Used to control, he is not prepared to discover the Fates have chosen his future wife and Queen-Persephone, Goddess of Spring.
Despite her attraction to the god, Persephone, an ambitious journalism student, is determined to expose Hades for his cruel and ruthless ways. She defies him at every turn, even as the attraction between them explodes.
Hades finds himself faced with the impossible-proving his future bride wrong. Regardless of his efforts, there are forces who wish to keep the two apart and Hades comes to realize he will do anything for his forbidden love, even defy Fate.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Silbernes Feuer
Sarah J. Maas

Series: Das Reich der sieben Höfe #4
Published: 20. October 2021 by dtv Verlag
Format: Hardcover, 808 pages/minutes
Genre: Erotic-Romance, Fae, High Fantasy, Magic, Romance
ISBN-13: 9783423763349
Language: German
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2022, Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
Feyres Schwester Nesta war schon immer stolz, wütend und nachtragend – und seit sie gegen ihren Willen eine High Fae wurde, fällt es ihr schwer, ihren Platz am Hof der Nacht zu finden. Ausgerechnet Cassian soll Nesta nun dabei helfen, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Doch die plötzliche Nähe zu ihm stellt Nesta vor eine beinahe unerträgliche Herausforderung, denn noch immer kann und will sie ihren Gefühlen für Cassian nicht nachgeben.
Als dem Reich der Fae erneut ein Krieg droht, liegt es an Nesta, drei magische Artefakte zu finden – um das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Doch die Suche bringt nicht nur dunkle Machenschaften ans Licht, sondern auch Nestas magische Fähigkeiten, die eine ungeahnte Gefahr darstellen …
Alte Gefährten, neue Freunde und noch gefährlichere Feinde – der neue Roman von Bestsellerautorin Sarah J. Maas ist mitreißender, leidenschaftlicher und magischer denn je!
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Hast du eine TBR Liste für Februar? Erzähl mir doch in einem Kommentar, welche Bücher du gerne in diesem Monat lesen möchtest.
As you know we have one book in common for reading this month (House of Flame and Shadow). I’d like to continue with the next book after A TOUCH OF DARKNESS, but I’m working on other stuff at the moment. I hope you continue to enjoy that series, and the Hades books!
I did finish A Touch of Darkness and A Game of Fate and I will definitely continue both series. The latter one was a bit better. The POV of Hades was quite more interesting, but that’s because his character is so much older and there is so much more going on.
I hope you enjoy House of Flame and Shadow as much as I did.