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Whispers in the Waters - Review

Whispers in the Waters ♦ Sarah Chislon | Review

Whispers in the Waters ♦ Sarah Chislon | Review

Whispers in the Waters is the prelude to Sarah Chislon‘s new Blood of the Fae series. The short story introduced me to Jenna and her Aunt Carise, who embark on a journey together.

Whispers in the Waters ♦ Sarah Chislon | ReviewTitle: Whispers in the Waters
Author: Sarah Chislon
Series: Blood of the Fae #0.5
More Volumes: Tattoo of Crimson, Ruins of Bone
Publisher: Wings of the Wind Press, published on 27. Sep 2022
Genre: Fae, Fantasy, Mystery
Pages: 180
Format: eBook
Language: English
Purchased at: Amazon
Buy here: Amazon
Link to Goodreads

My rating:

Ladies don’t shame their families.

Ladies don’t confront Otherwordly threats.

Ladies certainly don’t admit some taint of the fae has touched their souls—unless they wish to find themselves confined to an Institution.

Gently-bred herbalist Jessa Caldwell is trying to be a lady. She conceals her true nature amongst her plants and her sketches—where she can almost shut out the whispers she alone hears. But a threat to her beloved aunt forces her from the comfort of home to a town perilously near an Otherworldly Crossing, with its ever-present risk of fae incursions.

To protect her aunt and the townsfolk she comes to care for, she must uncover the individual responsible for a series of increasingly dangerous attacks—but to find this saboteur will require embracing the part of herself she fears most, an act that could cost her dearly. In a world where Vigilists lock up fae-touched mortals, Jessa must decide if she’s willing to risk exposing her true nature to obtain the truth and protect those she loves.

More Books by the Author: Tattoo of Crimson, Ruins of Bone

Whispers in the Waters ♦ Sarah Chislon


I don’t usually read historical fiction, but Chislon sweetened the story with some fantasy and magic for me. I only got the book because I already had the first volume Tattoo of Crimson as an ARC on my Kindle. But I wanted to start the story from the beginning.

Therefore, I dove right in, but it took me quite a bit to get comfortable with the traditional writing style. For how short it was, the book was surprisingly descriptive. Actually, the whole prequel came as a surprise to me. The whole mystery of the plot kept my eyes glued to the Kindle. Reading about Jessa’s internal struggle with the societal mores of her time and place was quite intriguing, and luckily I already had the first book of the series at hand.

The mystery of the whispers, which Jessa perceives more and more every day, becomes more and more mysterious as the plot unfolds in front of you. All the while she and her aunt have to solve strange behaviors going on around the village they travelled to. But Jessa seems to be the only one who can solve the riddle of sabotaged attacks.



This is a medium-paced fantasy book with magical elements and a compelling mystery that will keep you turning the pages to find out how the story turns out.

Blood of the Fae – The Series

Whispers in the Waters (#0.5)Tattoo of Crimson (#1)
Ruins of Bone (#2)Binding of Silver (#3) – coming 2024

About Sarah Chislon

Sarah Chislon

Sarah Chislon lives in Virginia with her husband and three daughters. When she’s not writing, she’s homeschooling her children and running a web development business with her husband. As an avid reader and a lifelong story-weaver, she delights in creating fantastic worlds and exploring them alongside her characters.

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