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Fantasy bedient sich in der Literatur vordergründig übernatürlicher, märchenhafter und magischer Elemente. Sie bedient sich meist an alten Mythen, Volksmärchen oder Sagen. Daher tauchen Sagengestalten wie Zwerge oder Zauberer auf, aber auch frei erfundene Wesen oder anthropomorphe (menschenartige) Tiere. Der Plot wird vorwiegend in eine fiktive Welt verlegt, die sich deutlich von der irdischen Realität unterscheidet. Das Fiktionale gilt innerhalb des imaginären Hintergrundes als real.

House of Flame and Shadow - Review

House of Flame and Shadow ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review

Sarah J. Maas has once again demonstrated her mastery of the fantasy genre with the magnificent first book of the Crescent City series, House of Earth and Blood. This book is a genuine jewel that merits every ounce of its five-star rating, spinning a rich tapestry of mystery, romance, and a universe full of magical wonders.

House of Flame and Shadow ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review Read More »

House of Sky and Breath - Review

House of Sky and Breath ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review

Sarah J. Maas has once again demonstrated her mastery of the fantasy genre with the magnificent first book of the Crescent City series, House of Earth and Blood. This book is a genuine jewel that merits every ounce of its five-star rating, spinning a rich tapestry of mystery, romance, and a universe full of magical wonders.

House of Sky and Breath ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review Read More »

House of Earth and Blood - Review

House of Earth and Blood ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review

Sarah J. Maas has once again demonstrated her mastery of the fantasy genre with the magnificent first book of the Crescent City series, House of Earth and Blood. This book is a genuine jewel that merits every ounce of its five-star rating, spinning a rich tapestry of mystery, romance, and a universe full of magical wonders.

House of Earth and Blood ♦ Sarah J. Maas | Review Read More »

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