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Sundays in Bed with… Kingdom of the Cursed

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Sundays in Bed with… Kingdom of the Cursed von Kerri Maniscalco

Kingdom of the CursedKingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco
Series: Kingdom of the Wicked (E) #2
Published: 26. October 2021 by Hodder & Stoughton
437 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Witches
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

After selling her soul to become Queen of the Wicked, Emilia travels to the Seven Circles with the enigmatic Prince of Wrath, where she’s introduced to a seductive world of vice.

She vows to do whatever it takes to avenge her beloved sister, Vittoria... even if that means accepting the hand of the Prince of Pride, the king of demons.

The first rule in the court of the Wicked? Trust no one. With back-stabbing princes, luxurious palaces, mysterious party invitations, and conflicting clues about who really killed her twin, Emilia finds herself more alone than ever before. Can she even trust Wrath, her one-time ally in the mortal world... or is he keeping dangerous secrets about his true nature?

Emilia will be tested in every way as she seeks a series of magical objects that will unlock the clues of her past and the answers she craves...

One sister.
Two sinful princes.
Infinite deception with a side of revenge… Welcome to Hell.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Letztes Jahr hab ich den ersten Band der gleichnamigen Reihe Kingdom of the Wicked gelesen und war hin und weg. Leider hat es viel zu lange gedauert, aber nun endlich habe ich zum zweiten Band gegriffen. Ich freue mich darauf. Emilia und Wrath wieder zu begegnen und bin schon ganz gespannt, welch düstere Welt mich in der Unterwelt erwarten wird.

Das Cover ist unglaublich schön und mit dem Gesamtbild der Reihe absolut stimmig,

Mit welchem Buch bist du heute in den Sonntag gestartet?

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1 Jahr zuvor

Guten morgen,
Das Cover gefällt mir sehr gut, ich mag solche Cover recht gern.
Wünsche dir noch wundervolle Lesestunden mit Emilia und Wrath 

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