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Sundays in Bed with… Death

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Sundays in Bed with… Death ♦ Laura Thalassa

Die ersten drei Bände der The Four Horsemen – Reihe von Laura Thalassa habe ich im Aug/Sep von Bloom Books auf NetGalley erhalten, nachdem die Reihe durch den Verlag neu aufgelegt wurde. Die Reihe ist mir vor etwa einem Jahr schon einmal aufgefallen, aber damals haben mich die Cover ein wenig abgeschreckt. Da mir die ersten drei Bände super gut gefallen haben, habe ich meine Kindle Edition ARCs mittlerweile durch die gesamte Paperback Ausgaben ersetzt.

DeathDeath by Laura Thalassa
Series: The Four Horsemen #4
Published: 15. August 2023 by Bloom Books
Format: Paperback, 563 pages
Genre: Death, Dystopia, Mythology, Paranormal, Post Apocalyptic, Romance, Urban Fantasy
ISBN-13: 9781728292656
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

They came to earth--Pestilence, War, Famine, Death--four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

He’s known by many names: Thanatos. Horseman. God’s last angel. And then, of course, there's the one I’m all too familiar with—


The day Death comes to Lazarus Gaumond’s town and kills everyone in one fell swoop, the last thing he expects to see is a woman left alive and standing. But Lazarus has her own extraordinary gift: she cannot be killed—not by humans, not by the elements, not by Death himself.

She is the one soul Death doesn’t recognize. The one soul he cannot pry free from her flesh. Nor can he ignore the unsettling desire he has for her. Take her. He wants to, desperately. And the longer she tries to stop him from his killing spree, the stronger the desire becomes.

When Lazarus crosses paths with the three other horsemen, an unthinkable situation leads to a terrible deal: seduce Death, save the world. A hopeless task, made all the worse by the bad blood between her and Thanatos. But Death’s attraction to her is undeniable, and try though she might, Lazarus cannot stay away from that ancient, beautiful being and his dark embrace.

The end is here. Humankind is set to perish, and not even the horsemen can stop Death from fulfilling his final task.

Only Lazarus can.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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