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First Lines Friday - A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №124 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №124 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday
ist ein wöchentliches Feature für BuchliebhaberInnen, welches ursprünglich von Emma (Wandering Words) in der englischen Book Blogger Bubble veranstaltet wird. Nachdem ich bei Emma nachgefragt habe, darf ich dieses tolle Feature nun für den deutschsprachigen BuchbloggerInnen-Raum adaptieren und hosten. Ich freue mich. 😁


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  • Endlich … das Buch enthüllen!
  • Für Social-Media-Kanäle nutze bitte den Hashtag #FirstLinesFridayDE 😊
  • mehr Informationen, falls nötig, findest du hier

First Lines

The earth streams with molten gold. It flows in every direction, around the scattered rocks, gleaming in the light of the fires that rage all around. Ichor, the blood if the immortals, seeping into the soil.
Smoke hangs heavy in the air, obscuring the stars. Thunder rumbles in the distance, and the horizon flashes with lightning. It dances across the sky, leaping between the clouds, a glare that dazzles, white and blinding, and is gone, only to reappear somewhere else a moment later.
First Lines Friday №124

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Book Reveal First Lines Friday

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Buch – Enthüllung

Und das gesuchte Buch diese Woche ist:

HeraHera by Jennifer Saint
Published: 1. May 2024 by Wildfire
Format: Paperback, 388 pages
Genre: Gods, Greek, Historical Fantasy, Mythology, Retelling
ISBN-13: 9781472292216
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

The enthralling tale of a powerful Greek goddess maligned in both myth and ancient history, as told by Sunday Times bestselling author Jennifer Saint.

When Hera, immortal goddess and daughter of the ancient Titan Cronos, helps her brother Zeus to overthrow their tyrannical father, she dreams of ruling at his side.

As they establish their reign on Mount Olympus, Hera suspects that Zeus might be just as ruthless and cruel as the father they betrayed.

She was always born to rule, but must she lose herself in perpetuating this cycle of violence and cruelty? Or can she find a way to forge a better world?

Often portrayed as the jealous wife or the wicked stepmother, this retelling captures the many sides of Hera, vengeful when she needs to be but also compassionate and mostly importantly, an all-powerful queen to the gods.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Das Buch ist heute Morgen bei mir eingezogen, nachdem ich es Elli von Wortmagie beim Gewinnspiel der Makabre High Fantasy Challenge 2024 bei ihr gewonnen hatte. Hier durfte ich mir ein Buch meiner Wahl aussuchen. Aktuell lese ich ja ein anderes Buch der Autorin und Hera lag schon eine Weile auf meine WuLi. Hiermit möchte ich Elli noch einmal meinen Dank aussprechen. 😁

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