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First Lines Friday - A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №93 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №93 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday
ist ein wöchentliches Feature für BuchliebhaberInnen, welches ursprünglich von Emma (Wandering Words) in der englischen Book Blogger Bubble veranstaltet wird. Nachdem ich bei Emma nachgefragt habe, darf ich dieses tolle Feature nun für den deutschsprachigen BuchbloggerInnen-Raum adaptieren und hosten. Ich freue mich. 😁


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First Lines

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Book Reveal First Lines Friday

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Buch – Enthüllung

Und das gesuchte Buch diese Woche ist:

CirceCirce by Madeline Miller
Published: 23. March 2019 by Bloomsbury Publishing
333 pages/minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Greek, Mythology, Retelling
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe has neither the look nor the voice of divinity, and is scorned and rejected by her kin. Increasingly isolated, she turns to mortals for companionship, leading her to discover a power forbidden to the gods: witchcraft.

When love drives Circe to cast a dark spell, wrathful Zeus banishes her to the remote island of Aiaia. There she learns to harness her occult craft, drawing strength from nature. But she will not always be alone; many are destined to pass through Circe's place of exile, entwining their fates with hers. The messenger god, Hermes. The craftsman, Daedalus. A ship bearing a golden fleece. And wily Odysseus, on his epic voyage home.

There is danger for a solitary woman in this world, and Circe's independence draws the wrath of men and gods alike. To protect what she holds dear, Circe must decide whether she belongs with the deities she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Bevor ich das Buch lese, muss ich mich mit der aktuellen Mythologie um Circe erst einmal beschäftigen. Denn von ihr hab ich bisher eher selten gehört, auch wenn mir ihr Name ein Begriff ist.

Kennst du das Buch? Hast du es vielleicht schon gelesen?

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