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Sundays in Bed with… The Assassin’s Blade

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Sundays in Bed with… The Assassin’s Blade ♦ Sarah J. Maas

Ich habe heute einen Großteil meines Tages damit verbracht, dass ich nebenbei das AudioBook zu The Assassin’s Blade gehört habe.
Als ich am Freitag meine Weihnachtseinkäufe in der Stadt erledigt hatte, wollte ich nebenbei eine Geschichte aufs Ohr haben. Aber mein Commitment war nicht sehr groß, und die knapp 13h mit den fünf Kurzgeschichten genau das richtige.
Im Laufe des Tages habe ich dann die Vorgeschichten zur Throne of Glass – Reihe beendet und wieder ein mal geliebt. 😍

The Assassin's BladeThe Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas
Series: Throne of Glass (E) #0.1
Published: 4. March 2014 by Bloomsbury USA
435 pages/minutes
Genre: Adventure, Fae, High Fantasy, Romance, Short Stories
Audience: Young Adult
Shelve: Read 2021, Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

Discover where Celaena Sardothien's thrilling saga began.

Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom's most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful and ruthless Assassin's Guild, Celaena yields to no-one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam.

When Celaena's scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, she finds herself acting independently of his wishes—and questioning her own allegiance. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies alike, and discovers that she feels far more for Sam than just friendship. But by defying Arobynn's orders, Celaena risks unimaginable punishment, and with Sam by her side, he is in danger, too. They will have to risk it all if they hope to escape Arobynn's clutches—and if they fail, they'll lose not just a chance at freedom, but their lives...

A prequel to Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas offers listeners a deeper look into the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling—and deadly—world.

Included in this volume:

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord
The Assassin and the Healer
The Assassin and the Desert
The Assassin and the Underworld
The Assassin and the Empire

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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