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Sundays in Bed with… Alice

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Sundays in Bed with… Alice (The Chronicles of Alice, #1) ♦ Christina Henry

Pünktlich zu Beginn des GruselBingos greife ich heute zu meinem ersten Bingobuch. Schauen wir mal, ob mich diese Alice besser unterhalten kann, als das Original, von welchem ich extrem enttäuscht war.

AliceAlice by Christina Henry
Series: The Chronicles of Alice #1
Published: 5. August 2015 by Titan Books Ltd
325 pages/minutes
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror, Retelling
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

In a warren of crumbling buildings and desperate people called the Old City, there stands a hospital with cinderblock walls which echo with the screams of the poor souls inside. In the hospital, there is a woman. Her hair, once blonde, hangs in tangles down her back. She doesn't remember why she's in such a terrible place-just a tea party long ago, and long ears, and blood... Then, one night, a fire at the hospital gives the woman a chance to escape, tumbling out of the hole that imprisoned her, leaving her free to uncover the truth about what happened to her all those years ago. Only something else has escaped with her. Something dark. Something powerful. And to find the truth, she will have to track this beast to the very heart of the Old City, where the rabbit waits for his Alice.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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