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First Lines Friday №71 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №71 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday
ist ein wöchentliches Feature für BuchliebhaberInnen, welches ursprünglich von Emma (Wandering Words) in der englischen Book Blogger Bubble veranstaltet wird. Nachdem ich bei Emma nachgefragt habe, darf ich dieses tolle Feature nun für den deutschsprachigen BuchbloggerInnen-Raum adaptieren und hosten. Ich freue mich. 😁


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Book Reveal First Lines Friday

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Buch – Enthüllung

Und das gesuchte Buch diese Woche ist:

Sword CatcherSword Catcher by Cassandra Clare
Series: Sword Catcher #1
Published: 1. November 2023 by TOR
619 pages/minutes
Genre: High Fantasy, Magic, Romance
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Source: FairyLoot
Link to Goodreads

In the vibrant city-state of Castellane, the richest of nobles and the most debauched of criminals have one thing in common: the constant search for wealth, power, and the next hedonistic thrill.

Kel is an orphan, stolen from the life he knew to become the Sword Catcher—the body double of a royal heir, Prince Conor Aurelian. He has been raised alongside the prince, trained in every aspect of combat and statecraft. He and Conor are as close as brothers, but Kel knows that his destiny is to die for Conor. No other future is possible.

Lin Caster is one of the Ashkar, a small community whose members still possess magical abilities. By law, they must live behind walls within the city, but Lin, a physician, ventures out to tend to the sick and dying of Castellane. Despite her skills, she cannot heal her best friend without access to forbidden knowledge.

After a failed assassination attempt brings Lin and Kel together, they are drawn into the web of the mysterious Ragpicker King, the criminal ruler of Castellane’s underworld. He offers them each what they want most; but as they descend into his world of intrigue and shadow, they discover a conspiracy of corruption that reaches from the darkest gutters of Castellane to the highest tower of its palaces.

As long-kept secrets begin to unravel, they must ask themselves: Is knowledge worth the price of betrayal? Can forbidden love bring down a kingdom? And will their discoveries plunge their nation into war—and the world into chaos?

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Oh oh, jahrelang kam ich an den BÜchern von Cassandra Clare vorbei. Nun, ist im Dezember letzten Jahres Sword Catcher von der Autorin bei mir eingezogen. Optisch macht die FairyLoot Exclusive Edition definitv etwas her. Nun muss ich mich aber mal kundig machen, ob ich vorher die anderen Reihen lesen muss, um diesens ersten Band der gleichnamigen Reihe Sword Catcher zu verstehen.

Würde dich das Buch interessieren oder hast du es sogar schon gelesen?

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1 Jahr zuvor

Cassandra Clare ist schon ein bekannter Name – aber ich hab auch noch nichts von ihr gelesen .

Hier meins


1 Jahr zuvor

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