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Sundays in Bed with … Queen of None

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Sundays in Bed with...

Queen of None ♦ Natania Barron

Sundays in Bed with …

Lange musste es warten, nun ist es endlich an der Reihe: Queen of None von Natania Barron.
Aktuell kann ich noch überhaupt nichts dazu sagen, da ich es wirklich heute erst auf dem Kindle geöffnet habe.

Queen of NoneQueen of None by Natania Barron
Series: Queens of Fate #1
Published: 21. May 2024 by Rebellion Publishing Ltd.
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 315 pages
Genre: Arthurian, Historical Fantasy, Retelling
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Currently Reading
Link to Goodreads

“Through all the ages, and in the hearts of men, you will be forgotten.”

Married at twelve, and a mother soon after, King Arthur’s sister Anna did not live a young life full of promise. She bore three strong sons and delivered the kingdom of Orkney to her brother by way of her marriage. She did as she was asked, invisible and useful—for her name, her dowry, and her womb.

Now, twenty years after she left her home, Anna is summoned back to Carelon with the crown of her now-dead husband, to face the demons of her her sisters Morgen, Elaine and Morgause; Merlin and his scheming priests; and Bedevere, the man she once loved.

Carelon is changing, and Anna must change with it. New threats lurk in the shadows, and a strange power begins to awaken in her. If she is to be more than a pawn in others’ plans, she must bargain her own strength, and family, in pursuit of her ambition—and revenge.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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