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Sundays in Bed with … Kept

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Sundays in Bed with...

Kept ♦ Evelyn Flood

Sundays in Bed with …

Über dieses Buch bin ich auf TikTok aufmerksam geworden. Hier habe ich mir auch direkt die ersten drei Bände bei Kindle Unlimited* heruntergeladen. Aktuell lerne ich nach und nach die einzelnen Hauptcharaktere kennen. Schauen wir mal, wohin die Story führt, denn bei Dark Romance mit dem Reverse Harem – Trope kann man auch schnell viel falsch machen.

KeptKept by Evelyn Flood
Series: Forbidden Fairytales #1
Published: 31. October 2023 by Independently Published
Format: Kindle Edition, 354 pages
Genre: Abuse, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Fairy Tales, Retelling, Reverse Harem
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Currently Reading
Link to Goodreads

I can't live my life in a cage anymore.
Please... take me with you.

My whole life is squeezed inside these walls. I can't remember the last time I left this building.

My guardian, Ethan, tells me it's to keep me safe. During his visits, he tells me the world is dark and full of evil. Evil that killed my parents, stole my family from me and left me in Ethan's care.

He wants me to stay here. Forever.

But when a group of men break into my prison, I make a reckless decision.

Information, in exchange for freedom.
Danger, in exchange for safety.

They're everything Ethan ever warned me about.

Maverick, the puppet master with cool eyes and a colder smile.
Ryder, the thief with light fingers and a dark heart.
And Enzo... who'd rather carve himself into my skin than let me leave.

I have to make a decision.

The man who raised me... or the men who stole me?

This is a why choose, dark contemporary retelling of Rapunzel with three morally-gray men and a heroine who'll do anything for freedom. It contains mature themes and is not suitable for younger readers.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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