Die ersten 5 Bücher in der oberen Coverbilderreihe nehme ich aus dem Vormonat mit, während ich für die zweite Reihe 4 neue Bücher für meine August TBR hinzufügen konnte. Ich bin gespannt, ob ich im August ein ähnliches Leseergebnis meiner TBR Liste haben werde. Ich freue mich jedenfalls auf alle 9 aufgelisteten Bücher.

die Cover werden nach dem Lesen farblich

- ☐ Silbernes Feuer (Das Reich der sieben Höfe, #4) ♦ Sarah J. Maas Hardcover
- ☐ Four Dead Queens ♦ Astrid Scholte Paperback
- ☐ The Gilded Crown (The Raven’s Trade, #1) ♦ Marianne Gordon Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ Knight of the Goddess (Blood of a Fae, #4) ♦ Briar Boleyn Kindle Edition/ARC – CR
- ☐ To Make the World Beautiful for You ♦ Kalyani Singh Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ The Briar Book of the Dead ♦ A.G. Slatter Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ A Story Spun in Scarlet (Tales of Wonder and Woe, #1) ♦ Renee Dugan Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ Grieving Gold (The Luminocity Seed, #1) ♦ Daniel McDaniel Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ Seeds of Sorrow (Immortal Realms, #1) ♦ Elle Beaumont, Christis Christie Kindle Edition/ARC

Silbernes Feuer
Sarah J. Maas

Series: Das Reich der sieben Höfe #4
Published: 20. October 2021 by dtv Verlag
Format: Hardcover, 808 pages
Genre: Erotic-Romance, Fae, High Fantasy, Magic, Romance
ISBN-13: 9783423763349
Language: German
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2022, Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
Feyres Schwester Nesta war schon immer stolz, wütend und nachtragend – und seit sie gegen ihren Willen eine High Fae wurde, fällt es ihr schwer, ihren Platz am Hof der Nacht zu finden. Ausgerechnet Cassian soll Nesta nun dabei helfen, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Doch die plötzliche Nähe zu ihm stellt Nesta vor eine beinahe unerträgliche Herausforderung, denn noch immer kann und will sie ihren Gefühlen für Cassian nicht nachgeben.
Als dem Reich der Fae erneut ein Krieg droht, liegt es an Nesta, drei magische Artefakte zu finden – um das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Doch die Suche bringt nicht nur dunkle Machenschaften ans Licht, sondern auch Nestas magische Fähigkeiten, die eine ungeahnte Gefahr darstellen …
Alte Gefährten, neue Freunde und noch gefährlichere Feinde – der neue Roman von Bestsellerautorin Sarah J. Maas ist mitreißender, leidenschaftlicher und magischer denn je!
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Four Dead Queens
Astrid Scholte

Published: 2. March 2020 by Piper Verlag
Format: Paperback, 448 pages
Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
ISBN-13: 9783492281713
Language: German
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
»Sei schnell und noch schneller wieder weg«, das ist das Motto von Keralie Corrington, Taschendiebin aus Quadara. Im Regierungsbezirk von Quadara stiehlt sie dem Boten Varin Erinnerungschips – ein begehrtes Gut auf dem Schwarzmarkt. Allerdings muss sie feststellen, dass es sich keinesfalls um leere Chips handelt: Unfreiwillig wird sie Zeugin, wie Quadaras vier regierende Königinnen ermordet werden. Keralie und Varin müssen feststellen, dass sie zu Spielbällen einer weitreichenden Verschwörung geworden sind. Zusammen versuchen sie, den Strippenziehern zu entkommen und deren Pläne zu vereiteln.

The Gilded Crown
Marianne Gordon

Series: The Raven's Trade #1
Published: 23. November 2023 by HarperCollins
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 380 pages
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Death, LGBTQIA+, Magic
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
The Witch’s Heart meets The Priory of the Orange Tree in this debut novel about a woman who can bring people back from the dead, and the princess — and only heir to the throne — that she must protect, no matter the cost.
The first time Hellevir visited Death, she was ten years old…
Since she was a little girl, Hellevir has been able to raise the dead. Every creature can be saved for a price, a price demanded by the shrouded figure who rules the afterlife, who takes a little more from Hellevir with each soul she resurrects.
Such a gift can rarely remain a secret. When Princess Sullivain, sole heir to the kingdom’s throne, is assassinated, the Queen summons Hellevir to demand she bring her granddaughter back to life. But once is not enough; the killers might strike again. The Princess’ death would cause a civil war, so the Queen commands that Hellevir remain by her side.
But Sullivain is no easy woman to be bound to, even as Hellevir begins to fall in love with her. With the threat of war looming, Hellevir must trade more and more of herself to keep the princess alive.
But Death will always take what he is owed.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Knight of the Goddess
Briar Boleyn

Series: Blood of a Fae #4
Published: 31. March 2024 by Starwater Press
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 349 pages
Genre: Fae, High Fantasy, Magic, Retelling
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
The fourth and final book in the bestselling Blood of a Fae series…
“I see forever with you by my side. Because long after these scars have faded away to nothing, I'll still be standing beside you. You and I? We're eternal.”
Beware the dread curse of Three…
In the aftermath of the war between Pendrath and its neighbors, peace has finally come to Camelot. But for Morgan Le Fay and her friends, the calm is short-lived. A storm grows on the horizon. As a terrible evil that has been waiting hundreds of years begins to sweep through the land, Morgan and Draven must race to the aid of their allies, leaving their youngest and most vulnerable new family member in the care of trusted friends.
The sword, the spear, the grail’s mystery…
As the tide of war takes them across kingdoms and into greater peril, Morgan and Draven embark on a quest to destroy the three objects of untold power–the grail, the sword, and the spear. Together, the pair will find answers to questions lost in the mists of time. Answers to questions so terrible, they never even thought to ask.
Blood calls to blood, the dark shall rise,
Forged by the gods under sacred skies.For the love between these bonded mates is not just an everlasting one forged in blood.
You might even call it divine.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

To Make the World Beautiful for You
Kalyami Singh

Published: 1. March 2023 by Notion Press
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 294 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Politics, Romance
Language: English
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
To Make the World Beautiful for You is a story of survival, politics, and power play that violently traps a lethal assassin, Martia, whose cruelty has no bounds, and a Prince, who irrespective of how brutal the circumstances are, never loses his humanity. A game of life and death starts when they fall in love with each other. As the story unfolds, Martia and the Prince test their own limits to see to what extent they will go to for love, for their lives. They continuously confront each other and their inner selves because of their own diametrically opposite principles
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Briar Book of the Dead
A.G. Slatter

Published: 13. February 2024 by Titan Books Ltd
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 368 pages
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Horror
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
To the outside world, Silverton appears not to matter much at all. It sits on a remote mountain pass, far from the great cathedral city of Lodellan. It’s run by witches who, in the usual scheme of things, would be burnt. Yet a dispensation keeps the Briars safe for one simple, dangerous they are the custodians of the threshold between the civilised world and the Darklands, where Leech Lords hold sway. Vampires are especially feared by the ecclesiastics, for leeches steal souls as well as bodies, and mortal souls are the Church’s most valuable currency.
However, things are changing in Silverton, with new forces coming into play and ancient mysteries and sins refusing to stay buried − and Anni Briar, the first non-witch born into the family for three hundred years, will find herself at the centre of the maelstrom.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

A Story Spun in Scarlet
Renee Dugan

Series: Tales of Wonder and Woe #1
Published: 8. March 2024 by Independently Published
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 660 pages
Genre: Adventure, High Fantasy, Romance
Language: English
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: Read 2024
Link to Goodreads
AUDRA JASHOWIN is a storyteller without a purpose.
When all the tales in the land of Mithra-Sha lost their endings, Audra fled from her family’s rejection and the only home she ever knew. Now, with a sense of veiled danger haunting her heels and her life as devoid of direction as her stories, she arrives at long last in a city of fresh starts and second chances.
There, she finds an adventure greater than she ever dreamed.
JAIK GRISSOM might be the key to bringing back the power of all stories.
A simple farmhand with a way around weapons, Jaik possesses more than a sharp wit that sets Audra’s soul aflame. He’s a natural amplifier with the talent to breathe life into her tales…into all the tales in Mithra-Sha.
Chased from their comfortable lives by a stroke of ill luck on a fateful night, Audra and Jaik embark on a journey for answers—through the wilderness and over the raging sea, to the heart of storytelling itself. Along the way, the strange bond between them deepens as they begin to uncover a mystery that lurks beneath all the broken tales, written in the shroud of their own unlikely pasts.
To mend the fractured stories in Mithra-Sha, Audra and Jaik must learn to embrace what lives at the core of their own the bravery and brilliance, the loyalty and love, and the purpose and power they both harness—together and apart.
And they must face a terrible truth penned between the pages of their quest…a tragedy that will change the course of history and rewrite the ending of their tale forever.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Grieving Gold
Daniel McDaniel

Series: The Lumocity Seed #1
Published: 1. April 2024 by Endless Equinox
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 452 pages
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror, Magic
Language: English
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
In the light-drenched world of Luminocity, there are two types of power granted by the gods: the power to find and the power to lose.
Laxerion is adept at finding lies, a skill that grants him a unique advantage as he blends into high society, leading heists to steal from the rich. Although Lax is used to being a target, he doesn’t anticipate reconnecting with his estranged father and inheriting a failing family business drowning in debt. If he doesn’t find a way to pay back the crime lord they owe a fortune to, he may be the next to lose his life.
Meanwhile, war is brewing on the horizon, a war that even a city blessed by the gods may be unable to avoid. As five fates intertwine, the currents of destiny inundate the city, leviathans stir amid the roots of a primordial ocean, and monstrosities inhabit human skins.
Desperate, Lax conspires to lead the greatest heist of all—journeying underground to find a forbidden treasure. But eldritch beasts buried in the darkness are awakening once again, and long-lost secrets emerge from the depths of a subterranean abyss. Will they survive?
This brand-new epic fantasy, full of strange worlds, dark twists, and ancient Aztec inspiration, is perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Fonda Lee, Patrick Rothfuss, and George R. R. Martin.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Seeds of Sorrow
Elle Beaumont, Christis Christie

Series: Immortal Realms #1
Published: 21. May 2022 by Midnight Tide Publishing
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 405 pages
Genre: Fae, Fantasy, Mythology, Paranormal, Retelling, Romance
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
Life for Eden is simple—until she's given to the nightmare king.
Wishing for more adventure in her life, and hoping to escape from under her overprotective mother's thumb even for just a night, Eden accepts an invitation to a ball in another king's court. Despite her mother's ire, it all seems worth it as their travels take Eden away from home for the first time and into the middle realm.
Draven, known as the king of nightmares and ruler of the dark realm, Andhera, desires only to remain in his kingdom and maintain control and order over the ravenous creatures that lurk in the shadows. However, he finds himself drawn away by the mysterious summons of his brother, who appears to need his aid desperately.
In one evening, thrust unwittingly together, Lady Eden and King Draven find themselves beguiled, betrayed, and betrothed. Neither is prepared for what it means for them, or for the immortal realms.
As politics and death intermingle, can two entirely different fae learn to rely on one another? Or will the dark realm destroy all that is held most innocent and precious within the realms, and Eden herself?
Seeds of Sorrow is a romantic retelling of Hades & Persephone with a fae spin on it! If you love immersing yourself in dark, descriptive worlds, political intrigue and romance, you'll love this.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*
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