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First Lines Friday №36 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday №36 | A Book Feature

First Lines Friday
ist ein wöchentliches Feature für BuchliebhaberInnen, welches ursprünglich von Emma (Wandering Words) in der englischen Book Blogger Bubble veranstaltet wird. Nachdem ich bei Emma nachgefragt habe, darf ich dieses tolle Feature nun für den deutschsprachigen BuchbloggerInnen-Raum adaptieren und hosten. Ich freue mich. 😁


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  • Endlich … das Buch enthüllen!
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First Lines Friday - A Book Feature
First Lines Friday – A Book Feature

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Buch – Enthüllung

Und das gesuchte Buch diese Woche ist:

Stalking Jack the RipperStalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
Series: Stalking Jack the Ripper #1
Published: 20. September 2016 by Jimmy Patterson
Format: Hardcover, 327 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Urban Fantasy
Language: English
Audience: Young Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

Presented by James Patterson's new children's imprint, this deliciously creepy horror novel has a storyline inspired by the Ripper murders and an unexpected, blood-chilling conclusion...

Seventeen-year-old Audrey Rose Wadsworth was born a lord's daughter, with a life of wealth and privilege stretched out before her. But between the social teas and silk dress fittings, she leads a forbidden secret life.

Against her stern father's wishes and society's expectations, Audrey often slips away to her uncle's laboratory to study the gruesome practice of forensic medicine. When her work on a string of savagely killed corpses drags Audrey into the investigation of a serial murderer, her search for answers brings her close to her own sheltered world.

The story's shocking twists and turns, augmented with real, sinister period photos, will make this dazzling, #1 New York Times bestselling debut from author Kerri Maniscalco impossible to forget.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

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1 Jahr zuvor

Uh, das wäre auch was für mich. Jack the Ripper hat mich schon jeher fasziniert. Wer war er???
Hier ist meins, ist ganz frisch eingezogen und erweitert mein Genre.

Schönes Wochenende.

Reply to  RoXXie
1 Jahr zuvor

Uh – ich seh ja den Film mit Michael Caine gerne. Dieses Geheimnisvolle macht es so reizvoll.

Reply to  RoXXie
1 Jahr zuvor

Ich auch. Schon ewig her.

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