Auf geht es ins neue Jahr und damit ein weiteres Jahr im Kampf gegen den SuB. Das soll bitte nicht negativ gesehen werden, denn mir macht es Spaß nach und nach meine SuB zu verringern und dabei in tolle, einzogartige Welten abzutauchen.
Für Januar 2025, den ersten Monat, habe ich TBR Bücher aus dem letzten Jahr dabei. Denn nur wegen dem neuen Jahr, kann ich die Werke nicht einfach links liegen lassen. Außerdem freue ich mich auf die Geschichten. Zusätzlich zu diesen ist auch ein Buch dabei, mit dem ich bei der ein oder anderen Challenge vielleicht schon einen Hacken setzen kann.
Ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und ein tolles 2025, mit vielen wahnsinnig spannenden, emotionsreichen und interessanten Geschichten.

Cover werden nach dem Lesen farblich

- ☑
Atalanta ♦ Jennifer Saint Paperback - ☐ The Prophecy of the Yubriy Tree (The Song of the Burning Heart, #1) ♦ Ben Spencer Kindle Edition/ARC – CR
- ☐ The Once and Future Witches ♦ Alix E. Harrow Hardcover
- ☐ A Tale Told by Traitors (Tales of Wonder and Woe, #1) ♦ Renee Dugan Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ Queen of Fury (Queens of Fate, #2) ♦ Natania Barron Kindle Edition/ARC
- ☐ Four Dead Queens ♦ Astrid Scholte Paperback
- ☑
Nach der Flut das Feuer – The Fire Next Time ♦ James Baldwin Kindle Edition

Jennifer Saint

Published: 13. April 2023 by Wildfire
Format: Paperback, 354 pages/minutes
Genre: Greek, Historical Fantasy, Mythology, Retelling, Romance
ISBN-13: 9781472292162
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Link to Goodreads
The heroic story of the only female Argonaut
When Princess Atalanta is born, a daughter rather than the son her parents hoped for, she is left on a mountainside to die. But even then, she is a survivor. Raised by a mother bear under the protective eye of the goddess Artemis, Atalanta grows up wild and free, with just one condition: if she marries, Artemis warns, it will be her undoing.
Although she loves her beautiful forest home, Atalanta yearns for adventure. When Artemis offers her the chance to fight in her name alongside the Argonauts, the fiercest band of warriors the world has ever seen, Atalanta seizes it. The Argonauts' quest for the Golden Fleece is filled with impossible challenges, but Atalanta proves herself equal to the men she fights alongside. As she is swept into a passionate affair, in defiance of Artemis's warning, she begins to question the goddess's true intentions. Can Atalanta carve out her own legendary place in a world of men, while staying true to her heart?
Full of joy, passion, and adventure, Atalanta is the story of a woman who refuses to be contained. Jennifer Saint places Atalanta in the pantheon of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology, where she belongs.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Prophecy of the Yubriy Tree
Ben Spencer

Series: The Song of the Burning Heart #1
Published: 19. October 2024 by Knock-Knee Books
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 379 pages/minutes
Genre: Fantasy
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
Game of Thrones meets The Name of the Wind in this exuberant, character-driven epic fantasy.
Every year, prophecy leaves fall from the Yubriy Tree. And every year, the Dayborn king sends his most trusted servants to collect the leaves and return them to the capital.
Only this year, one of the leaves drifted into the forest unseen.
Three lives will be forever changed by the undetected prophecy leaf.
The strong-willed daughter of a powerful family. The mysterious and reviled half brother of the king. And a talented but unlucky musician, desperate to write the song that will bring him good fortune.
Looming in the background are reports of the first dragon to appear in Ragar Or in over sixty-five years. And, as anyone familiar with Ragar Or’s history knows, when dragons appear, royalty dies.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Once and Future Witches
Alix E. Harrow

Published: 15. October 2020 by Orbit
Format: Hardcover, 528 pages/minutes
Genre: Historical Fantasy, LGBTQIA+, Magic, Paranormal, Witches
ISBN-13: 9780356512471
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box.
But when the Eastwood sisters--James Juniper, Agnes Amaranth, and Beatrice Belladonna--join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten words and ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote-and perhaps not even to live-the sisters will need to delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive.
There's no such thing as witches. But there will be.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

A Tale Told by Traitors
Renee Dugan

Series: Tales of Wonder and Woe #2
Published: 8. November 2024 by Independently Published
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 651 pages/minutes
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Language: English
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
Set sail into the swoony, pulse-pounding, high-stakes second installment in the TALES OF WONDER AND WOE, a series of sequential standalones each focusing on a new romantic fantasy adventure!
LIONYRA VARA is not who she seems.
A humble immigrant baker living in Mithra-Sha, Lio hides a bitter she is truly the sole inheritor of the ruling regime in the neighboring country of Amere-Del. And now, against her will, Lio is going back—to the land of her worst fears and lifelong nightmares.
And she won’t be going the life of her oldest friend hangs in the same cruel balance. Their only hope for freedom is to outwit the people who seek to enslave them to the fate they left behind.
But to do it, they must first find their way back to each other.
RYKER KASSIAN is a man caught between desperation and redemption.
A legendary pirate swimming in insurmountable debt, Ryker sees only one way to slip the noose for himself and his beloved by offering the runaway Delina as a ransom for a lofty sum. But when the lost heir offers him a chance at something more—by helping her hunt down her missing friend—Ryker seizes the opportunity without a second thought.
It might be his only chance to fix everything he’s broken…and save his crew from slaughter.As their hunt takes them to hidden pirate cities, sinister port towns, and the treacherous heart of Amere-Del where revolution threatens to ignite, all of their secrets and schemes collide. Backed against the tenuous balance of an impending civil war, Lio and Ryker have no choice but to confront the bitter truths they’ve fled from, the causes they’ve betrayed, the schemes for their destruction…and a rising attraction they both deny.
And with a ruthless regime seeking both their heads, they must choose which side of the line they stand on—whether they remain enemies divided, or become allies in the fight to shape their own destinies.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Queen of Fury
Natania Barron

Series: Queens of Fate #2
Published: 3. December 2024 by Rebellion Publishing Ltd.
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 491 pages/minutes
Genre: Arthurian, Historical Fantasy
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
One by one the kings of Braetan kneel before King Arthur under a banner of peace.
Hwyfar, eldest daughter of King Leodegraunce and famed libertine of Carelon, has returned to Avillion to find her father ruined by madness and a usurper poised to take the throne. Reluctantly she takes the mantle of Queen Regent to protect her kingdom, but she’ll need an army—which King Arthur pledges to send her, providing she marries one of his knights and surrenders the crown.
Arthur’s forces arrive under the command of Gawain of Orkney, who Hwyfar remembers as a brute; but she comes to realise he is not the man she thought he was, and finds herself irresistibly drawn to him. But Arthur has plans for her, and has commanded Gawain to keep well away—and in Arthur’s court, without the King’s blessing, love is treason.
Hwyfar and Gawain must navigate both a world of ancient forests and corrupt magic, and the political machinations of two courts, if they have any hope of escaping Arthur’s ever-tightening grasp.

Four Dead Queens
Astrid Scholte

Published: 2. March 2020 by Piper Verlag
Format: Paperback, 448 pages/minutes
Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
ISBN-13: 9783492281713
Language: German
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads
»Sei schnell und noch schneller wieder weg«, das ist das Motto von Keralie Corrington, Taschendiebin aus Quadara. Im Regierungsbezirk von Quadara stiehlt sie dem Boten Varin Erinnerungschips – ein begehrtes Gut auf dem Schwarzmarkt. Allerdings muss sie feststellen, dass es sich keinesfalls um leere Chips handelt: Unfreiwillig wird sie Zeugin, wie Quadaras vier regierende Königinnen ermordet werden. Keralie und Varin müssen feststellen, dass sie zu Spielbällen einer weitreichenden Verschwörung geworden sind. Zusammen versuchen sie, den Strippenziehern zu entkommen und deren Pläne zu vereiteln.

Nach der Flut das Feuer – The Fire Next Time
James Baldwin

Translator: Miriam Mandelkow
Published: 31. January 2019 by dtv Verlag
Format: Kindle Edition, 116 pages/minutes
Genre: African-American, Essays, History, Non-Fiction, Politics
Language: German
Audience: Adult, New Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Link to Goodreads
»Baldwins Essays sind wie Brandbomben in Trump-Land.« Georg Diez in ›Der Spiegel‹
James Baldwin war zehn Jahre alt, als er zum ersten Mal Opfer weißer Polizeigewalt wurde. 30 Jahre später, 1963, brach ›Nach der Flut das Feuer‹ (›The Fire Next Time‹) wie ein Inferno über die amerikanische Gesellschaft herein – und wurde sofort zum Bestseller. Baldwin rief dazu auf, dem rassistischen Albtraum, der die Weißen ebenso plage wie die Schwarzen, gemeinsam ein Ende zu setzen. Ein Ruf, der heute wieder sein ganzes provokatives Potenzial entlädt: »Die Welt ist nicht länger weiß, und sie wird nie mehr weiß sein.«
Buy the Book at: Amazon*
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