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Februar 2025 – Meine TBR Liste

Nachdem ich im Januar 2025 zwei meiner 7 ausgewählten SuB – Bücher von meiner Januar TBR Liste gelesen habe, wobei ich mir mehr erhofft hatte, habe ich für Februar meine Liste noch einmal ein wenig ausgetauscht.
Zwei von den Büchern habe ich Ende Januar bereits begonnen und die nehme ich natürlich in den nächsten Monat mit. Nun bin ich gespannt, welche der Bücher ich noch lesen oder beginnen werde.

Cover werden nach dem Lesen farblich

  1. The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters, #1) ♦ Amber V. Nicole Paperback
  2. The Prophecy of the Yubriy Tree (The Song of the Burning Heart, #1) ♦ Ben Spencer Kindle Edition/ARC
  3. The Once and Future Witches ♦ Alix E. Harrow Hardcover
  4. Furyborn (The Empirium, #1) ♦ Claire Legrand Hardcover
  5. Lore ♦ Alexandra Bracken Hardcover
  6. Knight of the Goddess (Blood of a Fae, #4) ♦ Briar Boleyn Kindle Edition/ARC
  7. Im Zeichen des Adlers (Rom, #1) ♦ Simon Scarrow Paperback CR

The Book of Azrael

Amber V. Nicole

The Book of AzraelThe Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole
Series: Gods & Monsters #1
Published: 18. January 2024 by Headline Eternal
Format: Paperback, 587 pages/minutes
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Gods, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires
ISBN-13: 9781035414505
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Link to Goodreads


For a thousand years, the Etherworld has known peace.
Until now.

Many centuries ago, desperate to save her dying sister, Dianna made a deal with Kaden, a monster far worse than any nightmare. Locked in servitude to him, she is forced to hunt down an ancient relic held by her most dangerous enemies: an army led by Samkiel, the World Ender.

After the Gods War, Samkiel hid from everything, denying his crown and deserting his people. Now, an attack on those he loves sends him back to the realm he never wished to return to, and into the sights of an enemy he had hoped to forget.

With every world at stake, Dianna and Samkiel are forced to set aside their animosity and work together, before all is lost . . .

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Prophecy of the Yubriy Tree

Ben Spencer

The Prophecy of the Yubriy TreeThe Prophecy of the Yubriy Tree by Ben Spencer
Series: The Song of the Burning Heart #1
Published: 19. October 2024 by Knock-Knee Books
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 379 pages/minutes
Genre: Fantasy
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

Game of Thrones meets The Name of the Wind in this exuberant, character-driven epic fantasy.

Every year, prophecy leaves fall from the Yubriy Tree. And every year, the Dayborn king sends his most trusted servants to collect the leaves and return them to the capital.

Only this year, one of the leaves drifted into the forest unseen.

Three lives will be forever changed by the undetected prophecy leaf.

The strong-willed daughter of a powerful family. The mysterious and reviled half brother of the king. And a talented but unlucky musician, desperate to write the song that will bring him good fortune.

Looming in the background are reports of the first dragon to appear in Ragar Or in over sixty-five years. And, as anyone familiar with Ragar Or’s history knows, when dragons appear, royalty dies.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Once and Future Witches

Alix E. Harrow

The Once and Future WitchesThe Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
Published: 15. October 2020 by Orbit
Format: Hardcover, 528 pages/minutes
Genre: Historical Fantasy, LGBTQIA+, Magic, Paranormal, Witches
ISBN-13: 9780356512471
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box.

But when the Eastwood sisters--James Juniper, Agnes Amaranth, and Beatrice Belladonna--join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten words and ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote-and perhaps not even to live-the sisters will need to delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive.

There's no such thing as witches. But there will be.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*


Claire Legrand

FurybornFuryborn by Claire Legrand
Series: The Empirium #1
Published: 22. May 2018 by Sourcebooks Fire
Format: Hardcover, 501 pages/minutes
Genre: High Fantasy, Magic, Romance
ISBN-13: 9781492656623
Language: English
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

When assassins ambush her best friend, Rielle Dardenne risks everything to save him, exposing herself as one of a pair of prophesied queens: a queen of light, and a queen of blood. To prove she is the Sun Queen, Rielle must endure seven elemental magic trials. If she fails, she will be executed...unless the trials kill her first.

One thousand years later, the legend of Queen Rielle is a fairy tale to Eliana Ferracora. A bounty hunter for the Undying Empire, Eliana believes herself untouchable--until her mother vanishes. To find her, Eliana joins a rebel captain and discovers that the evil at the empire's heart is more terrible than she ever imagined.

As Rielle and Eliana fight in a cosmic war that spans millennia, their stories intersect, and the shocking connections between them ultimately determine the fate of their world--and of each other.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*


Alexandra Bracken

LoreLore by Alexandra Bracken
Published: 11. August 2022 by Arena Verlag
Format: Hardcover, 580 pages/minutes
Genre: Greek, Mythology, Retelling, Romance, Urban Fantasy
ISBN-13: 9783401606385
Language: German
Audience: Young Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Link to Goodreads

Lore versucht, einfach nur normal zu sein und zu vergessen, dass sie dazu ausgebildet wurde, griechische Götter zu jagen. Doch dann steht die nächste Jagd bevor und jemand sucht ihre Hilfe, der sie und ihresgleichen eigentlich hasst: Athene.
Die Göttin bietet Lore ein Bündnis gegen den neuen Ares an, der vor Jahren Lores Familie ermordet hat - und seitdem noch mächtiger geworden ist.
Sieben Tage ist Ares sterblich und die Rache für ihre Familie in greifbarer Nähe für Lore. Doch reicht das Bündnis mit Athene aus, um Ares aufzuhalten, der die menschliche Welt in Schutt und Asche legen will?

Die Jagd auf die Götter ist eröffnet!

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Knight of the Goddess

Briar Boleyn

Knight of the GoddessKnight of the Goddess by Briar Boleyn
Series: Blood of a Fae #4
Published: 31. March 2024 by Starwater Press
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 349 pages/minutes
Genre: Fae, High Fantasy, Magic, Retelling
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur
Link to Goodreads

The fourth and final book in the bestselling Blood of a Fae series…

“I see forever with you by my side. Because long after these scars have faded away to nothing, I'll still be standing beside you. You and I? We're eternal.”

Beware the dread curse of Three…

In the aftermath of the war between Pendrath and its neighbors, peace has finally come to Camelot. But for Morgan Le Fay and her friends, the calm is short-lived. A storm grows on the horizon. As a terrible evil that has been waiting hundreds of years begins to sweep through the land, Morgan and Draven must race to the aid of their allies, leaving their youngest and most vulnerable new family member in the care of trusted friends.

The sword, the spear, the grail’s mystery…

As the tide of war takes them across kingdoms and into greater peril, Morgan and Draven embark on a quest to destroy the three objects of untold power–the grail, the sword, and the spear. Together, the pair will find answers to questions lost in the mists of time. Answers to questions so terrible, they never even thought to ask.

Blood calls to blood, the dark shall rise,
Forged by the gods under sacred skies.

For the love between these bonded mates is not just an everlasting one forged in blood.

You might even call it divine.

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

Im Zeichen des Adlers

Simon Scarrow

Im Zeichen des AdlersIm Zeichen des Adlers by Simon Scarrow
Series: Rom #1
Narrator: Norbert Ströbe
Published: 10. July 2017 by Heyne Verlag
Format: Paperback, 413 pages/minutes
Genre: Adventure, Historical Fiction, Military, Roman Empire, War
ISBN-13: 9783453471450
Language: German
Audience: Adult
Shelve: SuBventur

Rom, A. D. 42: Kaiser Claudius gewährt seinem Leibsklaven Cato die lang ersehnte Freiheit. Doch im Gegenzug muss sich der hochgebildete, jedoch kämpferisch völlig unerfahrene junge Mann zu zwanzig Jahren Dienst in der römischen Armee verpflichten. Kurz darauf befiehlt der Imperator das gefährlichste aller militärischen Abenteuer, an dem einst sogar Cäsar scheiterte: die Eroberung Britanniens. Cato steht auf der Insel aber nicht nur den wildesten Barbarenhorden gegenüber - auf direkten kaiserlichen Befehl muss er sich in einem tödlichen Netz aus Intrigen und Verschwörungen bewähren...

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