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Neferura - Review

Neferura ♦ Malayna Evans | Review

A Captivating Journey Through Ancient Egypt – “Neferura” by Malayna Evans

Malayna EvansNeferura is an intriguing novel that transported me to the heart of Ancient Egypt, constructing a story that is both captivating and wonderfully crafted. As a fan of historical fantasy, I was excited to dive into a novel that not only brought to life a fascinating period in history, but also did it with such precision that my mind could clearly image every scenario.

NeferuraNeferura by Malayna Evans
Published: 02/13/2024 by Sourcebooks Landmark
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 350 pages/minutes
Genre: Egyptian, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Mythology
Language: English
Audience: Young Adult
Shelve: Read 2024
Link to Goodreads

For readers of The Wolf Den and Kaikeyi comes the thrilling tale of the forgotten daughter of a legendary Egyptian pharaoh and the path she must take to escape her own dangerous fate. There are many paths to power. They all come with a price. Neferura, princess and high priestess of Kemet, knows her duty is to her people. When your mother is the great Pharaoh, it is hard to forget. But Neferura's unique position at court comes with high stakes for her country, especially when she's forced to serve her vile half-brother, a man determined to stop Neferura's potential rise. Peace, it seems, never lasts for women who wield power in the open. Especially when they cross a vengeful man. When Neferura overhears Thutmose's plot to end her mother's rule, she knows he must be stopped, no matter the cost. The discovery of a mysterious tattooed wisewoman and her shadowy network of spies offers an uneasy alliance. But the wisewoman wields more power than Neferura knew possible -- power with the potential to rival her own. Neferura must decide where her loyalties lie and how much she's willing to sacrifice to protect the people she loves before everything crumbles at the hands of a tyrant.

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Neferura ♦ Malayna Evans


The plot revolves around Neferura, a young girl whose existence is inextricably linked to the political and spiritual fabric of Ancient Egypt. Evans does an excellent job creating a universe that is genuine and alive. The descriptions of the royal palaces, bustling markets, and sacred temples are so detailed that I could practically hear the priests’ whispering and smell the incense wafting in the air. Every page reflects the author’s extensive knowledge of Egyptian history and culture, transforming the location into a character in its own right.

Neferura‘s adventure is compelling from beginning to end. As the daughter of the Pharaoh Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, her life is filled with intrigue, obligation, and the gods’ constant influence. Evans skillfully depicts the tension and intricacies of her position, transforming Neferura into a likable and admirable figure. The way her relationships with her mother, the court, and the supernatural develop is interesting, providing readers with a glimpse into the inner workings of a world where power and religion are inextricably linked.

One of the novel’s strengths is Evans‘ retelling of Neferura‘s story, which combines historical facts and imaginative storytelling. The balance between historical authenticity and creative license is well-maintained, allowed me to get engaged in the time period while simultaneously being lured into an emotionally compelling and surprising story. Neferura‘s trials, from negotiating the poisonous politics of the royal court to forging her own path in a culture controlled by tradition, are depicted with delicacy and depth.

However, while I greatly enjoyed the novel, there were times when the pacing felt uneven. Some sections of the book, particularly those dealing with the more routine aspects of court life, slowed the pace a little too much for my liking. However, these times were few and did not greatly detract from the overall enjoyment of the novel.


In simple terms, Neferura is a brilliantly written tale that provides a gripping insight into the life of a young Egyptian princess. Malayna Evans has done an excellent job of depicting Ancient Egypt in a way that is both authentic and magical. The story of Neferura and her quest will stay with me long after they’ve turned the last page. For anyone interested in historical fiction or the ancient world, “Neferura” is an absolute must-read. It’s a novel I’d strongly suggest to others, and I’m forward to read more by this exceptional author.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

About Malayna Evans

Malayna Evans

Malayna Evans was raised in Utah and spent her childhood climbing mountains and reading Sci-Fi. She moved to Chicago in her early twenties, where she earned M.A.s in the ancient history of the Mediterranean and the Near East and a Ph.D. in ancient Egyptian history. She enjoys sharing her passion for the ancient world with readers, adores travel, and plays a mean game of cards. A single mom, Malayna lives in Oak Park, IL, with her two children and two very spoiled Frenchies.

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