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Reading challenges
What are reading challenges?
Quite simply, they are small challenges created by a blogger that anyone can take part in. The creators of the challenges give tasks that should be completed or read one by one. In some challenges, there is also something to win at the end. (But that is of secondary importance to me personally.)

I find challenges very interesting because they allow you to get to know new books and, of course, new bloggers and their blogs. This leads to a lively exchange within the book blog community, which always makes me happy.

I only take part in reading challenges that don’t restrict me from my usual reading habits. Otherwise, it gets stressful and reading should be fun. I think it’s important to be able to complete a reading challenge on the side, only then is it an option for me.

I create a separate page for every challenge I take part in. So just have a look and maybe you’ll find something there for you too.

Die Goodreads Reading Challenge sollte an sich fast allen BuchbloggerInnen bekannt sein. Falls nicht, so einfach ist es: Bei Goodreads anmelden, das Profil bearbeiten und so weiter. Und dann hat jedes Mitglied dort die Möglichkeit, sich seine eigene Challenge zu erstellen. Heißt im Klartext, wie viele Bücher möchte ich denn gerne lesen? Diese Zahl gibst du ein und fertig. Natürlich solltest du deinen Lese-Status immer wieder aktualisieren, damit Goodreads dir auch alle gelesenen Bücher zuordnen kann.

Update: Dec 19th, 2024

My Ongoing Challenges

restricted (all in German)

A list with challenges for 2025 coming soon…


My Finished Challenges

2023 (all in German)

2022 (all in German)

2021 (all in German)

2020 (all in German)

2019 (all in German)

  • 01.11.2019-30.11.2019 | #NovReadMo 2019 von Jenlovetoread
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