Two ARCs in one week | Weekly Reading №128
Hello to the first Weekly Reading in 2025. I’m looking forward to an interesting new year full of stories that can take me to other worlds or even teach me something new. Because I also want to read a few more non-fiction books this year.
But this week, I’m going with two fantasy books that I got as ARCs from NetGalley.
Feel free to visit Andrea. She has also taken over the former blogger campaign Reading Together. Her campaign is called Currently Reading.

What book are you reading and what page are you on?
I’m currently reading Queen of None by Natania Barron and am on page 117/315 (37%).

Series: Queens of Fate #1
Published: 05/21/2024 by Rebellion Publishing Ltd.
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 315 pages/minutes
Genre: Arthurian, Historical Fantasy, Retelling
Language: English
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Source: NetGalley
Link to Goodreads
“Through all the ages, and in the hearts of men, you will be forgotten.”
Married at twelve, and a mother soon after, King Arthur’s sister Anna did not live a young life full of promise. She bore three strong sons and delivered the kingdom of Orkney to her brother by way of her marriage. She did as she was asked, invisible and useful—for her name, her dowry, and her womb.
Now, twenty years after she left her home, Anna is summoned back to Carelon with the crown of her now-dead husband, to face the demons of her her sisters Morgen, Elaine and Morgause; Merlin and his scheming priests; and Bedevere, the man she once loved.
Carelon is changing, and Anna must change with it. New threats lurk in the shadows, and a strange power begins to awaken in her. If she is to be more than a pawn in others’ plans, she must bargain her own strength, and family, in pursuit of her ambition—and revenge.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

I am currently reading the book Blood Iron & Bone by Sera Foxe and am on page 63/567 (11%).

Series: The Lightbringers #1
Published: 03/21/2025 by Agency Press
Format: ARC, Kindle Edition, 567 pages/minutes
Genre: Fae, Fantasy, Romance
Language: English
Audience: New Adult
Shelve: Read 2025
Source: NetGalley
Link to Goodreads
Aurelia, a mortal girl, hears a strange call in the night and is compelled to answer...
In another world, Andar, betrothed to the future High Queen of Áithrim , can't understand why his supposed fated mate looks so right, but feels so wrong...
Duty, fate, blood iron and bone collide under a cursed sky...
In a kingdom on the precipice of the fulfillment or failure of its most famous prophecy, thrown together by fate and terrifying circumstance, a motley band of Fae and Human alike must come together for the good of the realm, even as the darkness that covers the land threatens to become permanent.
Buy the Book at: Amazon*

What is the first sentence on your current page?
I ordered the knights to comvene at the third bell, so I could return to my quarters and refresh
As Andar and Lark set out from the Great Palace in their world, in the plain world. the human world, Aurelia Bartlett left her bedroom wearing only her nightgown.
Zitate sind das geistige Eigentum der AutorInnen bzw. Verlage/Herausgeber.
Quotations are the intellectual property of the authors or publishers/editors.

Was willst du unbedingt zu deinem aktuellen Buch loswerden?
Queen of None
Here I follow the life of King Arthur‘s only biological sister, Anna. In itself, it is a little unspectacular. Due to the times, she is nothing more than a broodmare who is now married for the second time to expand Arthur’s country and his power. The intrigues at court are sometimes inscrutable, but hopefully that will change. With Merlin and Morgen a little magic comes into play, which in turn also appears in Anna‘s case. The story is interesting, but unfortunately I really have a hard time with the writing style of the “old days”. The chapters here are also a little too long for me, which makes me feel like I’m not making any progress in the book at all.
Blood Iron & Bone
Since I’ve only read a little more than 10% of the book, I can’t say much yet. But I like that there are different POVs. That gives a story more depth and insight, in my opinion.
But slowly the two worlds, which have only met in dreams until now, are coming together. I’m excited to see how the author duo under the pen name Sera Foxe have worked this out here.

What book or books are you reading this week?
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All book cover images I use are the property of the respective publishers and/or authors or other rights holders.