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The Collected Works of Jim Morrison - Review

The Collected Works of Jim Morrison | Review

A Masterpiece of Literary Genius! – 5 Stars more than well deserved

I recently had the pleasure of reading The Collected Works of Jim Morrison, and I have to admit that it was a phenomenal experience. As an ongoing listener of The Doors and the mysterious Jim Morrison, this compilation has surpassed all of my expectations and then some.

The Collected Works of Jim Morrison
The Collected Works of Jim MorrisonThe Collected Works of Jim Morrison by Jim Morrison
Published: 06/08/2021 by Harper
582 pages/minutes
Genre: Autobiographie, Biographie, History, Music, Non-Fiction, Poetry
Audience: Adult
Shelve: Read 2023
Link to Goodreads

The definitive anthology of Jim Morrison's writings with rare photographs and numerous handwritten excerpts of unpublished and published poetry and lyrics from his 28 privately held notebooks.

Created in collaboration with Jim Morrison’s estate and inspired by a posthumously discovered list entitled “Plan for Book,” The Collected Works of Jim Morrison is an almost 600-page anthology of the writings of the late poet and iconic Doors’ front man. This landmark publication is the definitive opus of Morrison’s creative output—and the book he intended to publish. Throughout, a compelling mix of 160 visual components accompanies the text: excerpts from his 28 privately held notebooks—all written in his own hand and published here for the first time—as well as an array of personal images and commentary on the work by Morrison himself.

This oversized, beautifully produced collectible volume contains a wealth of new material—poetry, writings, lyrics, and audio transcripts of Morrison reading his work. Not only the most comprehensive book of Morrison’s work ever published, it is immersive, giving readers insight to the creative process of and offering access to the musings and observations of an artist whom the poet Michael McClure called “one of the finest, clearest spirits of our times.”

Buy the Book at: Amazon*

The Collected Works of Jim Morrison


A true musical and artistic genius’s unadulterated and uncensored originality is on display in this exquisitely selected collection. With an alluring gravity, Jim Morrison‘s words entice you into his world, a labyrinth of ideas and emotions. Every poem, song, and prose piece has something to offer, regardless of your level of familiarity with his writing.

The wide range of this collection is what makes it unique. It includes a wide variety of Morrison‘s output, including his incisive essays, intriguing poetry, and mesmerizing song lyrics. It’s an amazing voyage into the thoughts of a man who saw and communicated the human experience in a very special way.

Morrison writes with such haunting elegance, deep thought, and vivid imagery that it is genuinely compelling. He was obviously an introspective individual who wasn’t afraid to explore the darker recesses of his psyche, as seen by the timeless quality of his thoughts. It seems as though his words reach the reader’s heart and soul directly, transcending the confines of time.

The reading experience is enhanced by the book’s addition of perceptive commentary and background material that clarifies the setting and significance of Morrison‘s works. It pays a thorough tribute to a genuinely legendary artist.



You’ll discover passion, rebellion, contemplation, and a deep understanding of the human condition in The Collected Works of Jim Morrison. This collection is a must-have for any library, whether you’re looking for motivation, wisdom, or just a peek into the head of a rock star. Anyone who values the fusion of literature and music should have a particular place on their library for this masterpiece. This incredible compilation is a wonderful way to honor Jim Morrison‘s legacy, and I heartily recommend it. A hidden gem of five stars!

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