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The Art of Reading – A Book Blog

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The Art of Reading

My latest reviews in English:

The Art of Reading - Ein Buchblog
Ein kleiner Ausschnitt meiner Bücher- und Funko Pop – Sammlung

About the blog

Since 2019, I, RoXXie, have been blogging on this blog about books, authors, reading, book series and many other bookish things related to this topic.
In addition to reviews, you will also find a wide variety of blogger campaigns that I either host myself or (sometimes) regularly participate in.

A large part of my site is the World of Books (Bücherwelt)1translations to all German links follow. This section in the menu contains my entire collection of books and those that I would like to have on my shelves. My SuBventur shows you my unread books with the help of some Blogger Campaigns (Blogger Aktionen) and reading challenges (Lese-Challenges).

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…
The man who never reads lives only one.
George R.R. Martin

My Genres

I actually read all kinds of genres, as long as the blurb piques my interest. But I prefer books from the genres fantasy (mostly high fantasy, dark fantasy, urban fantasy), dystopia, thriller, crime and horror. Every now and then I like a bit of science fiction, romance and even biographies.

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

I would be happy to receive any kind of comments, notes and reviews, but it is not a must. 😊
If you would like to contact me personally, you can write me an email under Contact.
If you are an author or a publisher, you will find everything you might want to ask me under Review Requests.
Thank you for your attention.

3 Stars (17) 4 Stars (33) 5 Stars (16) 5 Sterne (26) Abuse (8) Adult (46) Adventure (14) Angie Paxton (6) ARC (25) Black Dagger Brotherhood (6) Bloom Books (6) Contemporary (9) Dark Fantasy (26) Dark Romance (15) Death (10) Dystopia (7) English (13) Fae (16) Fantasy (14) Gothic (6) High Fantasy (23) Horror (10) Independently Published (10) Kindle Edition (16) Magic (24) Mystery (18) Mythology (16) NetGalley (10) New Adult (14) Paperback (13) Paranormal (13) Post Apocalyptic (9) Read2022 (6) Read2023 (32) Read2024 (39) Retelling (17) Review (96) Rezension (73) Romance (37) Sarah J. Maas (8) Suspense (18) Urban Fantasy (8) Vampires (6) Violence (8) Young Adult (7)

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    translations to all German links follow
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