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RoXXie SiXX – the Blogger

I am RoXXie SiXX (pseudonym), a blogger. I rate books in the form of reviews and stars.

At the moment I’m mostly writing reviews of books I’ve read. I also present books that I get through reading groups in various reading communities or review copies that are provided to me directly by the authors and/or publishers. Whether I’ll expand the blog further in the future is still up in the air. But I’m definitely open to new things.
Recently I started to make my blog available for a huger audience by being bilingual (German/English). Please be patient, while I am still translating most of the age.

My favorite quote so far, which I always like to use to describe my own reading addiction. 😉

I pledge to read the written word.

A little about me. I am a passionate reader and mother of a boy. I read a wide variety of things, from fantasy to mystery and dystopia to crime and thrillers. contemporary history, including biographies (I prefer musicians/bands), also end up on my reading list from time to time. Now and then I like a romance novel, with a bit of eroticism thrown in too.
Recently I have been discovering the young adult and dystopia genres more and more, and I am also happy that I can discover the colorful world of children’s books with my son.

I feel like I’m a million pages old. I’ve lived thousands of lives, loved, grieved and died many deaths. I’ve had a home in almost every corner of the earth and in many new worlds. I’ve made many friends and fought many enemies. You don’t read good books, you live them and at the end of each book you’re left changed. In comparison, reality sometimes seems just grey. We tell ourselves that we are the heroes of our own stories, or the villains. But it often seems very realistic that we readers seem to be the tragic-comic supporting characters.

RoXXie SiXX reads in English

It regularly happens that I have already read the original English version of a book, but I am always interested in how the translation has captured the plot, the emotions, and the dialogues. Because let’s be honest, a lot is frequently lost in translation. Not every joke or every phrase is the same in every language. Such little things can be important for one book or another. I always find it fascinating when the translators manage to avoid any gaps or inconsistencies.

As mentioned above, I am also active on various reading communities. The most significant for me is: Goodreads, followed by StoryGraph. Maybe we’ll see each other again on one of these sites or somewhere else.

Under Home you will find an overview of this blog.

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